Office of the Dean of Students

Oakland Center, Suite 150
312 Meadow Brook Road
Rochester, MI 48309-4454
(location map)
(248) 370-3352

Office Hours:
Monday - Friday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Banner with students walking outside on sidewalk

Assessment and Care Team

At Oakland University, the Assessment and Care Team (ACT) exists to allow for a comprehensive response to critical incidents and persons of concern that are of a more persistent or complex nature and/or are of concern to the campus community. ACT operates under the belief that managing a crisis or resolving difficult issues is best accomplished through a coordinated team effort. The ACT members are concerned with the health and well-being of the campus community, confidentiality issues, and respect for the rights of members of the campus in the community who are affected by concerning behavior or who are causing concerning behavior.

As an OU community member, you may be the first to recognize a grizzly’s outstanding needs. Please note, referrals are reviewed during normal business hours and are not monitored after hours, on weekends or during official University holidays. If you feel that there is an immediate harm or threat to the campus community or an individual, please contact the Oakland University Police Department. Dial 911 (campus phone) or (248) 370-3331 (cell phone).

Reporting Concerning Behavior Find Other Reporting Options

By familiarizing yourself with the Assessment and Care Team procedures you can identify, prevent and report potential threats. Referrals can help provide early, prompt and effective intervention to support a safe, productive working and learning environment. Early prevention can be of the utmost importance.

When to Refer

If you see/sense something, say something. When you witness concerning behavior in the community, your safety should always be the first priority. Students, faculty, staff, parents and others are strongly encouraged to report behaviors that they feel are concerning, worrisome or threatening (no matter how small or insignificant that may seem). If you have tried to mitigate the situation, are unable to assist the individual with preventative measures or believe they need more intervention, you should complete the Concerning Behavior Report.

Referrals can be made for any OU community member (students, faculty, staff and administrators). Each report is handled as sensitively and confidentially as possible. Only those who need to assist in helping will be made aware of details as needed. Reports may be anonymous but please consider if knowing the identity of the reporter may be more helpful.

If you are unsure if you should report, please contact the Dean of Students Office at 248-370-3352 or

What to Report

The Dean of Students (DOS) office serves as a central point of inquiry for persons of concern that are not addressed in other areas of the University and is the central, official location/office that manages the flow of information about distressed or disruptive persons. DOS staff members possess a broad understanding of University policies, procedures and community life, and work with individual students, student groups, staff and faculty in order to resolve concerns and eliminate barriers that impede attainment of educational and personal goals. The DOS offers campus community members a centralized location for response, resources and assistance, and can work with staff that possess the knowledge and influence to develop effective resolutions to various issues.

It is helpful to recognize the spectrum of potential behaviors that would be referred to ACT members for assessment and behaviors that fall within the Student Code of Conduct or Academic Misconduct procedures. The behavior below provides insight about the type of behavior and potential next steps. 

Potential Factors Influencing Behavior
Understanding internal and external factors that influence behavior such as loss of a loved one, lack of a supportive environment, home/food insecurity, significant change in academic performance can lead to disruptive or concerning behavior. 

When faced with such a situation, you can help by speaking with the individual to understand what is going on, give clear expectations and communicate. Providing support while avoiding judgment or criticism will provide the opportunity to mitigate the situation. The next step during or after the encounter is to refer the person to appropriate resources like OU’s Counseling Center, Disability Support Services, the Dean of Students office, or the Golden Grizzly Pantry. Always trust your instincts.

Examples of Behavioral Threat Levels

Behavior-Low Threat

These can usually be mitigated by preventative measures.

  • Disrespectful or inappropriate language
  • Creating classroom distractions
  • Concerns for stress management
  • Poor hygiene
  • Sporadic change in academic performance
  • Change in mood overall
Behavior-Medium Threat
  • Distressing behavior
  • Suspicious actions as well as criminal acts
  • Behaviors that continue after Care Team interventions
  • Behaviors that continue after disciplinary intervention
  • High-risk behaviors such as alcohol or drug use
  • Disturbing or strange/violent writings
  • Showing signs of excessive risk-taking
  • Expressions by student of feelings of depression, lack of self-worth, and/or uselessness, including suicidal symptoms
  • Unusual attention shown toward the instructor or a student or students in the class
  • Discuss an employee or other member of the campus in a way that causes concern (a fixation of any kind, defines them in an unusual way, creates fantasized scenarios, etc)
  • First hand or reports by others’ knowledge of a student’s behavior off campus that may carry over onto the campus
  • Indirect threats against self or others
Behavior-High Threat

Call OUPD to respond immediately. Dial 911 if on campus phone or 248-370-3331 if on cell phone.

  • Threatening Behavior
  • Student who is creating a disturbance in class and refuses to leave when asked
  • Aggression that is threatening
  • A direct threat is made
  • Physical Assault
  • Someone reports being a victim of a crime (just happened on campus)
  • A weapon is seen or reported
  • A crime is in progress
  • Person is hallucinating, does not appear to be in control of his/her behaviors
  • Under the influence of alcohol or drugs (could pose a threat to self if driving)
  • Person threatens suicide or homicide
What to Expect

It is the hope of the Assessment and Care Team members that with greater campus collaboration, no campus member will go unsupported.

The Assessment and Care Team (ACT) exists to allow for a more comprehensive response to critical incidents and persons of concern that are of a more persistent or complex nature and/or are of concern to the campus community. All reports of concerning behavior on the part of campus community members are reviewed by the Dean of Students office and the Oakland University Police Department (OUPD). When reported behaviors appear to pose a threat to the campus community, the Dean of Students office will also refer the report, along with any additional information gathered, to the ACT for review. ACT reviews involve assessing threat levels utilizing tools provided by the National Association of Behavioral Intervention and Threat Assessment (NABITA).

Due to the sensitive nature of some situations and privacy regulation, the reporting party may not be privy to the intervention/outcome. However, ACT will provide information to pertinent parties impacted by the behavior to the extent possible.

ACT Responsibilities
The members of ACT consist of representatives from various campus units who are able to identify issues and students of concern and develop an effective comprehensive response incorporating various areas of expertise. Team responsibilities include:

  • Gathering information about students of concern and/or critical incidents
  • Sharing information regarding a critical incident or student of concern
  • Assessing information about each case
  • Developing strategies to manage critical incidents and respond to students of concern, to address the needs of the community as well as the safety and well-being of the community
  • Identifying a person(s)/campus partner(s) to be responsible for coordinated follow-up and response
  • Monitoring the disposition of a case to gauge whether additional follow-up is needed, if the response was effective, and applicable lessons learned for future cases
  • Making recommendations to university officials on appropriate actions consistent with university policies and procedures
Who We Are

The Assessment and Care Team is situated within the Dean of Students office, and interacts with the Oakland University Police Department and university partners as appropriate, in order to ensure comprehensive, coordinated and consistent care and response to critical incidents and students of concern. Together, these offices have the ability to coordinate care and respond with numerous campus and community resources, have unique relationships with all academic schools and colleges such that requisite academic program, resources and information can be considered, and can ensure a consistent response and follow-up plan. Membership is composed of a multi-functional group of OU leaders who are trained and certified to conduct risk assessment interviews, recommend, and provide intervention mechanisms. Members of ACT include the following campus offices:

Dean of Students Office
Oakland University Police Department
Oakland University Counseling Center
University Housing
Disability Support Services
Academic Affairs
Human Resources